6 Decades In Real Estate
History. Knoweldge. Innovation.

Our team started 15+ years ago in email marketing. It has since grown to include a team of experts in social media ad placement and website design. This evolution was due to our clients need for one thing; closing their clients property listings in the shortest time possible.

15+ Years

marketing properties

25 Billion

emails deployed

14k Clients

agents/brokers helped

$100 Billion

closed listings

We know a thing or two about real estate and are a multi-generational real estate family dating back to the early 60’s. Seen bubbles fill and burst, interest rates ebb and flow, and 2 possibly 3 recessions. One aspect of the real estate lifecycle has remained consistent over the years; “Exposure”. The mediums to expose listings has certainly changed but the goal remains the same. Get the right eyeballs on your listings, get a lot, and they will close.


As we continue to embark further into digital marketing our goal is simple. Provide a platform that allows agents/brokers to rapidly build out and deploy marketing materials and expose listings to the largest captive audience possible. All to ensure affordable price points so agents/brokers take home as much commission possible on each sale.


Closed listings = happy clients.


RealtyBlast allows agents/brokers to seamlessly expose their listings to a network of over 700K Linkedin verified contacts across all 50 states.


We appreciate the support of all our real estate clients.


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